An associate producer is the only guy in Hollywood who will associate with a producer.

Bankers, nepotists, contracts and talkies: on four fingers one may count the leeches which have sucked a young and vigorous industry into paresis.

Fame is no sanctuary from the passing of youth… suicide is much easier and more acceptable in Hollywood than growing old gracefully.

Hollywood gives a young girl the aura of one giant, self-contained orgy farm, its inhabitants dedicated to crawling into every pair of pants they can find.

Hollywood has always been a cage… a cage to catch our dreams.

Hollywood has gone from Pola to Polaroid.

Hollywood held this double lure for me, tremendous sums of money for work that required no more effort than a game of pinochle.

Hollywood is a place that attracts people with massive holes in their souls.

Hollywood is a place where people from Iowa mistake each other for stars.

Hollywood is the only industry, even taking in soup companies, which does not have laboratories for the purpose of experimentation.

Hollywood makes prostitutes out of women and sissies out of men.

Hollywood money isn't money. It's congealed snow, melts in your hand, and there you are.

Hollywood's a place where they'll pay you a thousand dollars for a kiss, and fifty cents for your soul. I know, because I turned down the first offer often enough and held out for the fifty cents.

Hollywood's a very weird place. I think there's less of everything except for attitude.

Hollywood's like Egypt, full of crumbled pyramids. It'll never come back. It'll just keep on crumbling until finally the wind blows the last studio prop across the sands.

I can't talk about Hollywood. It was a horror to me when I was there and it's a horror to look back on. I can't imagine how I did it. When I got away from it I couldn't even refer to the place by name. ''Out there,'' I called it.

I devoutly believe it is the writer who has matured the film medium more than anyone else in Hollywood. Even when he knew nothing about his work, he brought at least knowledge of life and a more grown-up mind, a maturer feeling about the human being.

I hate a man who always says ''yes'' to me. When I say ''no'' I like a man who also says ''no.''

I hate the place like poison with a sincere hatred.

I went out there for a thousand a week, and I worked Monday, and I got fired Wednesday. The guy that hired me was out of town Tuesday.

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